
Arduino for Beginners: Sound, Light and Sensor Interaction

We are now providing an electronics course for beginners where you will learn the basics of the Arduino platform, C++ programming and general knowledge of sensors and microcontrollers. No previous knowledge of electronics or programming is required.

The course elaborates on the following topics:

  • Basics of wiring circuits using a breadboard.
  • Introduction to electronic components and packages.
  • Introduction to the different types of Arduino boards and microcontrollers.
  • Reading sensor values from proximity sensors and LDRs.
  • Interfacing with LEDs, addressable LEDs, LED digits and OLED displays.
  • Sound control using buzzers, audio codecs, amplifiers and speakers.
  • How to use a soldering iron, flux and other materials to make embedded devices.
  • How to use Serial, I2C and SPI communication protocols.
  • Basic knowledge of C++ programming.

All material is included, the only requirement is that you bring your own laptop. We recommend 15 hours of training, but we can also offer a 10-hour intensive course. We are happy to tailor the course to your needs.

Individual training is provided in our small office in Liverpool, however, we can also make arrangements for delivering the training at your company/university space or hire a suitable venue to accommodate more people.

Get in touch for more information